Saturday, 21 April 2012

the sun has got his hat on


and he's coming out to play 

  Today the girls were still off school, after keeping me up most of the night with coughing and tummy ache I thought one more day to totally get over it and the way they acted today made me glad I made that choice.

 They haven't been them selves today and a few times I've had to walk out of the room away from their arguing with each other ( as much as they love each other they can fight like cat and dog!!) I'm still feeling like absolute crap but the girls seem to have got over the bug as quick as they got it. It's made me a lot more snappy my hormones aren't helping with the situation plus with the gorgeous sunny days that seem to have graced us with it's presence and I'm not exactly the face of calm and reason that I strive to normally be.......... 

        By the afternoon and we had exhausted the book shelf ,board games , made a den , travelled to Africa in a hot air balloon with turbo powered engine and ran a successful bakery making cupcakes for the queen of Teddington my mind drew a blank they didn't want to chill out ( a siesta would of been lush right about then!!) they were bored and bored with a capital B!!

 Then V piped up about painting eek ..... we have no paints in the house they got demolished in february half term and haven't been replaced and I've no money to buy some more. 

So I do what I do best wack stuff together and see where it takes us I raid the kitchen cupboards .. flour.. food colouring and water?? you've got paint !!! 

How awesome is that now I'm sure there is probably a hundred over blogs that have found this out before me but hell I don't care!! I'm mega impressed with our paint!! I managed to take a few pictures it may look like a lot of mess to some people but it really was awesome fun!! here you are!!! 

   enjoy xxx

this is pablo he didnt manage to avoid the paint splatters unfortunately !! oops !! 

Monday, 26 March 2012

and today we are the icky-snot-ball-lurgy tribe

         Oh dear me we have had a really bad bout of sickness we look like a little Rudolph family :( we've had cold and sickness bug which has really knocked us for 6 i actually spent the day on the sofa and was in bed by 7 on Sunday poor oak had the most rubbish birthday ever! but I've promised him we'll make up for it when everyone is feeling 100% well when I'm not sneezing in a cake mix hey!! we've had the normal reactions from people you need to go doctors you need antibiotics!! your children will have a fit if their temperature stays so high...........oh blahhhhhhhhhhh How awful do some people make you feel! Like I'm purposely going to put my child's life in danger just because of my beliefs in that the human body can heal it self pretty well without the need for antibiotics of course I'm not stupid if the girls fever does get bed we give calpol but they so rarely have it we don't keep it in the house nothing a few days of rest some homemade chicken casserole and lots of fluids and after a week we are 9/10 times feeling awesome!!! I know if we took over the counter remedies we'd be feeling better in a matter of hours or whatever they say but how is the body going to cope next time it's ill? hopefully if this bug ever surfaces again or a similar one does go round we will have bumped up our immune systems enough to fight it! maybe next time I tell someone that we won't be going doctors or using antibiotics I should take a photo it would look like this!! (but obviously human)

I don't think that's an exaggeration either ha ha

I now have red hair!! wahoo!! I don't like it though :( I don't think I'm going to be completely happy till it's long again I just don't feel nice and definitely don't feel sexy which is kind of important when your hoping for the pitter patter of tiny feet!! ( which still haven't arrived :(  )

any way here's me with my red hair excuse the awful red nose !!

 the room isn't empty i promise!! ha ha my big head is hiding the sofas and toys!! :)

I don't now what else to put so I'll leave you all for now xxx

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

smile that smile and carry on

So it happened again I get a text of a friend saying "I need your help..........." another friend needing me, nothing unusual there it's what we do as friends isn't it? But I knew what was coming I had expected it for a while now.
  " I think I'm pregnant......" my friend says I try not to show that my heart is turning upside down and feeling like it's being stabbed over and over and over again. I smile that smile I do the calm reassuring Bon who knows what to do can get things organised " how many weeks do you think you are? " I go through all the questions you normally would the one question that gets stuck in my throat is " do you want to keep it" it???? it's not an it it's a baby!!! The one thing that month after month I'm hoping I can say to my friends and to Oak... 
    It never happens though every month my period arrives and I feel like a failure as a woman we are doing everything "right" everything they say to do in the books and still no baby. It's got worse recently everywhere I look there are babies everyone seems to be falling pregnant without even wanting to actually have a baby "oh it just happened" kills me even more every time it is said. But it was true to me with S and V two happy little unexpected bundles of joy and poop. Just nearly a year later I'm wondering if it ever will just happen. I've spoke to Oak about how much this hurting (without trying to sound like  a crazy woman!!) and we've come to the conclusion that we will just forget it for a little while...... we have a wedding to plan money to sort out the house to decorate, so lets just enjoy the next year before a little one appears. Easier said than done....... but I've got to give it a go and with s and v growing up every day they are keeping us busy and on our toes!! you never know ( and this is what I'm praying for) that as we will be busy planning and sorting everything else out that the next jelly bean may make an unexpected entrance just like S and V :) 
               Oh and about my friend she's still not gone doctors despite me reminding her, I know she is scared and it isn't the most ideal time for her if she is pregnant, and as an awesome friend I'll be here if she ever needs me and promise not to snatch the baby (joke!!) ha ha so live and let live i have two awesome daughters who light up my world and I'm so grateful to have been blessed with them.


                                         love Bon xx